Jazz at Lincoln Center
For more than a decade, Wynton Marsalis dreamed of making Lincoln Center one of New York City’s premiere jazz centers. To generate advance excitement of the new $128 million Rose Hall at Columbus Circle, Jazz at Lincoln Center asked Media A to develop a video installation.
To evoke the era of swing (a Jazz at Lincoln Center theme) and to suggest the center’s dynamic future, Media A worked with archive photos, married them to a Marsalis soundtrack, and edited it all into a video stream displayed on a large plasma display.
"What-if" scenarios and demographic profiles of future clients, especially as pertains to financial resources and transactions in the 2020's.
more on Visa
Exhibition and lecture on the future of design and values at Studio-X, Istanbul (with the support of Columbia University).
more on The Universe Emerges from Information
Workshops across 12 countries visualizing new services, products and consequences arising out of future hypothetical conditions.
more on Horizon Projects
Created branding and organizational strategy, designed visual identity, website, iPhone application and hired development and blogging staff.
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